(please note, owing to some technical issues with the recording, only sections of this are currently available: I will be updating this post over the next 24 hours!).
1. Intro to Moodle 4.2
1a. Faculty Learning Technology Lead Abbi Shaw introduces the platform. TO COME.
Reading List – Contact your subject librarian to discuss use of Reading List. Support and info available here: https://www.ucl.ac.uk/library/learning-teaching-support/teaching-learning-services-tls/readinglistsucl
1b. Karen Stepanyan and Luke Dickens of Information Sciences share their departmental template and discuss some tips, tricks and issues encountered.
Slides and Resources:
Slides from Karen’s presentation.
Moodle 4 – Quick Tips for Updating Your Course.
Moodle Assignment: Configuring Individual Student Deadlines
Individual / Group Deadline Overrides in Moodle Assignment: UCL Guidance.
You can also use Moodle Test User Accounts to test features like assessment setups – these temporary accounts let you log in with a real student view, and submit to your own assignments. They’re great for practicing marking, demonstrating to students, and understanding how workflows work, and they disappear after a fortnight so there’s no chance they’ll get mixed up with actual students. Find out how to set them up here: https://wiki.ucl.ac.uk/display/MoodleResourceCentre/M14+-+Test+User+Accounts.
Continuous Module Dialogue:
Jesper Hansen updates us on CMD for 2023/24:
Recording of the 2022/23 Continuous Module Dialogue Workshop