
Mathematics makes up a huge part of our studies as NatScis. While important in the foundation year, it will continue to be relevant as throughout the degree programme.

We understand that just because maths is numbers-based, that does not mean it’s universally taught in the same way! Here are some links to help you translate concepts.

Head to this glossary of translations for more languages.

We’ve also created a handy table for you which names some of the shorthand and symbols you’re most likely to see. Check it out below! (Courtesy of the European Mathematical Society)

For those of you taking stats, we highly recommend Statistics By Jim, a highly comprehensive online glossary of stats terms in a layout similar to this one.

a + b a plus b
a – b a minus b
a · b a times b
a:b the ratio of a to b
a = b a equals b, a is equal to b
a > b a greater than b, a is greater than b
a < b a less than b, a is less than b
n! n factorial
x2 x squared
x3 x cubed
xn x to the nth power
f(x) f of x
k | n n is divisible by k, k divides n
xi x sub i
A x B product, Cartesian product
|z| absolute value of z
δij Kronecker delta
for all, for every
there exists
a ≥ b a (is) greater than or equal to b
a ≤ b a (is) less than or equal to b
√A the square root of a
(a + b) a plus b in parentheses
x ∈ A x belongs to A, x is an element of A
A ⊆ B A is contained in B, A is a subset of B
% per cent
1/n one over n
Int A the interior of A
A the closure of A
p ⇒ q p implies q
xn → g xn tends to g, xn converges to g, xn approaches g
sin x sine x
cos x cosine x
tg x, tan x tangent x
ctg x, cot x cotangent x
log x, ln x the logarithm of x, the natural logarithm of x
f-1(A) the inverse image of A, f inverse of A
ex e to the power x, e to the x
df/dx d f d x, the derivative of f with respect to x
∂f/∂x d f d x, the partial derivative of f with respect to x
A ∪ B the union of A and B, A union B
A ∩ B the intersection of A and B, A intersect B
0 aleph zero, aleph nought, aleph null
∠ABC angle ABC
the integral of f(x)dx
[a,b] the closed interval a, b
(a,b) the open interval a, b
a ≠ b a is not equal to b, a does not equal b
[x] the integer part of x
Re z the real part of z
Im z the imaginary part of z
(gºf)(x) g circle f, the composition of f and g
det A the determinant of A
p ∧ q p and q, the conjunction of p and q
p ∨ q p or q, the disjunction of p and q