Alice's blog

My research and stories


如果您想参加访谈,其确定您符合以下条件: 1.非英国本地出生,即您的出生地在其他国家 2.是英国的居民,长期居住在英国 3.年龄在60岁或以上 4.华人 如果您不确定您是否符合这些条件,欢迎您联系我提出疑问。 您可以通过这些方式联系到我: 邮件 电话/短信:07579941587 微信:15538296769 如果您确认自己符合条件并且希望参加,也请您通过上面这些方式联系我获取更多信息。


“我对医疗有话说”是一项关注华人老年人在英国就医情况的研究项目。这个项目的目标是通过采访了解华人老年人在英国就医时候会经历哪些困难,遇到了什么样的帮助,以及在疫情影响下远程医疗服务增加所带来的改变。通过了解这些信息,我以及我的研究团队可以对英国的医疗服务提出意见,以帮助华人群体,特别是老年人,更好地获得医疗服务。 参与者会被邀请到伦敦大学学院校区内参加1-1.5小时的采访。如不方便前来,我们也可以去其他地点或采取网络/电话采访。采访结束后,参与者将会收到价值30英镑的代金券作为谢礼。 如果您想参与采访,请通过邮件/短信/电话/微信联系研究员郭皓月。 邮件 电话/短信:07579941587 微信:15538296769  

I’m interested in taking part in the interview, what do I do?

It sounds like you have come across my study somewhere and want to know more about participating, that’s fantastic! The next steps are quite simple. The first thing is making sure that you meet the inclusion criteria (they are there… Continue Reading →

But Alice, why this topic?

Many years ago, I arrived in Canada as a young curious student, ready to venture into university. It was my first time travelling abroad by myself. My dad, who can’t worry enough about me, arranged for a friend of his… Continue Reading →

My PhD research: what’s it about?

If you’re in a real hurry, here’s the one-line description of my research: I want to explore the role of telemedicine in primary care access for older Chinese migrants in the UK. Now that might sound a bit confusing because… Continue Reading →

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