Week 9 – Case Study & Ethical Considerations

[Last modified: December, 3 2024 11:05 PM]

Looking at the case study on indigenous identities and disempowerment I would say there are quite a few ethical issues to consider. To start, working with indigenous migrants and discussing challenges such as displacement, poverty, exposure to gang and police violence can lead to conversations which could harm both the mental health of the indigenous migrants and also the researcher as they are very difficult and intense subjects to broach without training on how to respond/react/and deal with conversations which may arise.

It is also very sensitive data – migrant stories, life histories and political opinions. Recording peoples personal opinions about the political situation could put their lives at risk as well as the researchers or at least compromise their positions or place if overheard or identified within the research/published piece of work.

It’s also important to recognize the power imbalance here, the researcher is an outsider with academic support and may without intending to, pressure participants into interviews and sharing of information. This is especially true as indigenous migrants may be in really tough situations as described and feel obligated or hopeful for aid, benefits or advocacy if they participate.

I would definitely classify this as high risk, not only is it working with vulnerable individuals but it is also handing very sensitive information.

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