week 1 – pilot ethnographic research project – What makes an ordinary dinner party unforgettable?

[Last modified: October, 31 2024 11:45 AM]

I am interested in developing a pilot project in Anthropology of Sensitivity as theoretical basis. What makes an ordinary dinner unforgettable? Therefore, I will expplore how  our senses perception such as taste (food and drinks), sounds (music), visuals (lighting and dress code), services, locations contribuite to make a ordinary dinner party unforgettable. Some of those might be a collective perception e.g venues, services, others very particular, individual to evaluate such as taste, smells.


“ The hierarchy of the senses – with seeing at its apex, followed by hearing, and smelling, tasting and touching at its base – these seers and observers proclaimed and enforced, both created and mirrored a social hierarchy as they thought it to be morally right because natural. Their sensory hierarchy connected meaning and employment of particular senses in work, social behaviour and living circumstances to the social status of every person. In reverse, those who counted themselves to be seers would assign to each category of people a certain dominant sense confirm their social position. In this way, women were said to have a natural capacities for smell, taste and touch, which made them inadequate for any intellectual labour that relies on sight and sound for reading and discussion. Their natural tasks were, therefore, perceived to be cleaning, cooking and care-taking (Classen 2005).”



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It was in Brazil that I first became familiar with the field of Material Culture and subjects such as Curation, Collections during my undergraduate course in History at the University of São Paulo. As part of my degree I attended a course entitled Photographs in the Archives of Historical Museums, which then evolved into mentoring research under the supervision of Professor Dra.Vania Carneiro de Carvalho, member of the Scientific Initiation Program at Museu Paulista. In 2013 I completed an MBA postgraduate course in Marketing Management alongside my role at Livraria Cultura as a Marketing and Events Coordinator. In 2016, I decided to leave Brazil and came to the UK to study English. I took up employment in the events industry while focusing on improving my English.

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