[Last modified: December, 8 2024 03:50 PM]
My research topic is Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Marriage and Childbearing: A Comparative Study of Western and Chinese Women’s Views. During taking this module, I have come to realize the importance of ethics and positionality in cross-cultural research, especially when dealing with sensitive topics like marriage and childbearing. Initially, I did not fully understand the complexities of ethical considerations, such as data protection, participant privacy, and the influence of cultural differences. Now, I recognize that maintaining transparency, ensuring informed consent, and protecting participants’ rights are fundamental throughout the research process.
Firstly, ethics is the most important. Given the personal nature of marriage and childbearing, I will ensure that participants voluntarily engage in the research with full awareness of the study’s goals, the data collection process, and how their information will be used. To achieve this, I will employ methods such as semi-structured interviews and participant observation, ensuring that participants are fully informed before engaging. Informed consent will be clearly outlined, with transparency about how the data will be collected, stored, and analyzed. Confidentiality will be strictly maintained throughout, with all personal data anonymized. Furthermore, I will adhere to data protection standards, ensuring that any identifying information is securely stored and that participants’ privacy is fully respected throughout the research process. This ethical framework will guide my interactions with participants and shape how I collect and interpret the data, ensuring the integrity of the study.
Secondly, positionality is crucial in cross-cultural studies. I now recognize that my own cultural background, whether as a Western or Chinese researcher, can influence how I interact with participants and interpret their responses. I must be mindful of my biases and avoid imposing my own cultural values onto participants. Reflecting on my position throughout the research will help me stay open to diverse perspectives and ensure cultural sensitivity, especially when discussing topics like family pressures or reproductive rights.
Finally, in terms of participant recruitment, I have learned the importance of reaching a wide and diverse audience in an ethical manner. I will use social media platforms (like Weibo and Instagram) for open recruitment and engage with community organizations or events to find participants. This approach will ensure that the recruitment process is transparent and voluntary, and it will help minimize any ethical concerns around coercion.
By reflecting on ethics and positionality, I aim to conduct a fair, respectful, and culturally sensitive study that fully considers the rights and perspectives of participants.