Week 03 Positionality on multi-sensory experiences

[Last modified: October, 23 2024 11:52 AM]

Write a reflective piece about your own positionality to your research question, drawing on the readings and discussions in class. Are there things you would change about how you might design your research to account for your positionality?

I have rephrased my design question a bit into how do multi-sensory experiences shape consumption behavior.

I personally really enjoy utilizing my senses to experience the world and to feel the environment around me. Instead of hearing the story behind the brand, i would more remember the sensation it brings to me. Is it soft? is it warm? or how it smells like. it brings up imaginations and add layers to the brand stories.
At the same time, as the designer, i think i am more approachable to the design communities to understand how designers work out to attract consumers through design. i think this is the easiest way for me to start with, but also i would also going to different shops to observe and experiences by myself. However, when talk about the sensory experiences, it is more subjective that i might have biases through my research, i would hang out with my friends and conduct an informal interview by chatting with them how the different senses you get from different consumption environment.

For the second point, I might focus more on the variety of strategies that use the senses as tools in the consumption environment. I want to study how different people, such as those with varying gender identities or cultural backgrounds, have distinct sensory preferences. I’m curious about which sensory experiences resonate more strongly with specific groups and which might not appeal to them as much, as well as what seems to attract all of them and create a multicultural environment. I aim to compare and contrast these differences. I’m particularly interested in exploring the relationships between these sensory strategies and how they connect with different demographics.

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