[Last modified: October, 16 2024 03:48 AM]
Since I was still not sure which group (women or LGBTQ+groups) I would like to focus on for my research, I was looking for both of their trails while I was wondering around the UCL main campus.
After I entered the campus, I was looking for something or a place that may contain a lot of information. Then I found several notice boards around the place that the welcome fair was held. I have looked through each one and discovered that these notice boards were for students to announce the activities of their discussion groups or societies. By browsing all the posters, there was one caught my eyes (see figure 1).
The poster in the center of Figure 1 was produced by a Chinese reading club which aimed at discussing multiple topics including feminism. I was exciting to learn this information as not every woman in China will be so criticising to the current women’s situation and point out the potential dilemma women may face in China. A feminist may be more willing to point out problems. Therefore, I have scanned the QR code at the left bottom and saved the contact information. I believe that I may have a high possibility to find my potential interviewees from this club.
LGBTQ+ groups
After the notice board, I continued my way and went into the student center. I was thinking that I might be able to find some trails of feminism/LGBTQ+ – related student societies here. However, there was no activities going on. But I have noticed a rainbow sign on the wall at a corner of student center with “out@UCL” (see Figure 2). I felt this may related to one of the LGBTQ+ societies at UCL.
After the campus observation, I went online and search for Out@UCL. I found that this is a UCL LGBTQ+ organisation formed in 2009 and is opened to all the post-grads and UCL staffs. It also provide social opportunities for LGBTQ+ people to know each other. Therefore, I feel like if I finalise my research focus on LGBTQ+, I may be able to attend the social events, observe what people do, follow people online to see their digital images, connect with people during events, and develop them as my future interviewees if possible. Overall, here was my experience looking for the trails of feminists and LGBTQ+ groups on campus.