[Last modified: December, 2 2024 04:04 AM]
What ethical issues (if any) arise from this project? How should they be addressed?
First, the subjects in group (a) of this project are not yet adults, so asking for their opinions is a high-risk act. The study may have been conducted with a guardian’s permission, or respondents may not have had full autonomy. Second, asking mothers of young children about breasts may be sensitive and offensive because this study involves the sensitive issue of sex. Full informed consent is therefore required, and the right of (b) group members to withdraw at any time is reserved, and they should not be offended. Finally, in the context of the encouragement of breastfeeding, the debate about public breastfeeding, and the public sexualization of breasts through advertising and other media, this premise determined that the study was conducted with a certain non-value neutrality. The implications of this premise should be considered.
What data protection issues, if any, have arisen from this project?
With regard to data protection, since the issues discussed in this project are very sensitive and because of the private nature of an individual’s physical feelings, the interviewee should be kept confidential and informed consent sought.
Are there any issues around power/coercion?
The issue itself does not involve public power and violence, but it presupposes a context of “the encouragement of breastfeeding, the debate about public breastfeeding, and the public sexualization of breasts through advertising and other media.” According to Foucault’s theory, this kind of public opinion can also be seen as a manifestation of the subtle action of power.
Are ‘vulnerable’ individuals involved? Could the topic be considered sensitive?
The study apparently involved underage students. And mothers of young children are also a vulnerable group. The topic touches on physical and sexual content that is often considered sensitive.
Should this be approved by the Anthropological Ethics Committee? Or should it go to UCL REC? Is it considered low risk or high risk?
I think this study, although high-risk, could be approved by the anthropological Ethics Committee.
If I were a member of the anthropological Ethics Committee, in order for this research to meet ethical standards, I believe that researchers need to pay attention to the following points throughout the process.
1. It is recommended that the age of group (a) be raised to 18 years or older, as research on sensitive issues involving minors and students would be subject to high ethical risks, and their opinions could not be said to be those of persons responsible for full civil capacity.
2. In the process of selecting research objects, attention must be paid to informed consent, information confidentiality and the right to withdraw throughout the process.
3. When designing questionnaires and interview outlines, be careful not to offend sensitive issues.
4.In addition, it is recommended to pay special attention to not adding a lot of content about physical experience in the group interview (which is likely to be private and not convenient for collective discussion in the group).