Summative Assessment



For my assessment I went with finding myself in London however I feel like the overall theme tapped into identity and finding yourself as well. When first starting this project, I became interested in the technique to duplicate oneself in one frame. Although I didn’t manage to attempt that in the final film the idea of having two versions of myself remained and sparked the idea of having a conversation between a younger version of myself and me now, reflecting on my achievements and growth as a person. I started the process by editing together my own music using SYML’s ‘I Wanted to Leave’ and Lana Del Ray’s ‘Paris, Texas’. The former holds a lot of sentimental value to me as it was something I revisited in hard times and the latter poetically reflects the heart linking themes of healing, self-acceptance and introspection, I took it as a song about finding oneself as I have had to do with my relocation to London.

With editing the two songs I wished to keep most of the instrumental as it invokes a sense of stillness. It’s neither happy or sad and personally makes me feel almost nostalgic. This peaceful void is what I wanted to explore as I feel very mature and feel a need to mould myself based on the expectations one has for me now particularly as an adult and a student at UCL, but I also miss the chaos and nonchalance of childhood and yearn for the mindset I used to have sort of negated of responsibility.

One of the main effects I used was child-like drawings across the entire film. It was my way of representing my younger self in a play like manner. I also physically showcased her I an orange hoodie as the colour orange can be associated with youthfulness and warmth. There is this constant contrast between warm comforting tones and sharp cold ones representing the dichotomy that a young adult experiences as they try to navigate the world. The drawings also help create the illusion that I’m having a conversation with younger me, as she cannot talk, she is expressed through post its and other scribbles as it was very common when I was younger to write in multiple diaries and decorate them.

For the editing style, although not intentional, I feel resembles that of a YouTube blog. I wish I used more wide shots, but I feel that would come if I had a tripod available, since most of the shots were filmed on my phone. Though will the use of closer shots I kept a sense of intimacy with the audience that brings them into my world and possibility makes it easier for them to share a similar sentiment to me in this film. I think despite the lack of equipment I managed to keep the viewing experience interesting and tried a few other angles to keep interest as I realise there is no dialogue or action that would have a viewer connected

The two main editing aspects I tried to assimilate from the module was the use of text and voiceover. To situate the idea that I’m almost omnipresent and pertain more knowledge due to having experienced more in life. Overall, I’m happy with the film but feel there is definitely a few things I could approve on, but my goal and the feeling I wished to evoke succeeded so I’m happy.

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