Week 1- getting used to the camera

https://mediacentral-upload.ucl.ac.uk/LibraryContent/DownloadMedia/119600Broadway market- getting used to using the camera

For Week 1, I decided to take the camera with me to Broadway Market in order to familiarise myself with it and get accustomed to using it in public. After testing it out at different settings and playing around using different levels (hip-level, eye-level…) I found myself looking around more, finding things to capture with the camera. Being with a group of people I felt also affected my interactions with them and the camera as when they knew I was filming them, this would create a different effect to the one created when they didn’t know. Overall, I felt the experience with the camera altered what I did as I felt more conscience of the space I was in as I was more aware of the shapes and colours and how I could capture these. On the other hand, since I was experiencing my surrounding through the lens I was also somewhat distanced, especially through the reaction that people sometimes have when they see you filming such as moving out of the way.

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