Week 8 HW


I was 100% sure we had homework but I couldn’t find it on Moodle, so I did the next thing a student could do when confused about assignments. Ask my peers!

I shot the clips first because I was sure our work was either to do with a voiceover or text within video (spoiler alert it was the voiceover).

Since I decided to go work on another assignment downstairs, I thought I would record the process (part of it at least) and then boom. Two birds with one stone.

Once I realised I was doing a voiceover I played the video and narrated to my phone.

Perhaps next time I’ll combat my impatience and plan out what I’d say first rather than just say whatever comes to my mind.

Golden Hour



I took a video of my friend Serena because the light was framing her really nicely and she looked especially pretty with the soft lighting. I thought it was also rather funny considering how I was recording her while she was setting her camera up so she could record.

Date Talk (Inaudible)



I decided to video my friends talking, I liked the mundane realism of their distain for studying and their small chatter. Unfortunately, I forgot to put the mic on so it looks like they’re simply miming speaking which is somewhat embarrassing on my part.

They were talking about being set up on a blind date and it really would have been funny if you could heard.

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