Week 5 – Lighting project




Three videos came about by accident. In an attempt to create something out of a mistake. I used contrasting and dark lighting to give the spilled soy sauce a dark horror feel, also utilising shadow and stark light to suggest a uncomfortable feeling.


I liked the soft colour and the reflected colours of my books on the wall


I created a moving shot on my journey back home. pulling the Suitcase past a street light I could capture the change of light on a object due to position as well as see the affect of similar colouring as the shot has a very Orange/yellow feel, which connotes to autumn and possibly a somber feeling

Week 5: Lighting Practice


This is the lighting practice that I did with my favourite figures and plush toy. These are very important objects for me so I’d like to film them with lights that best indicates their ‘characteristics’. For example, the plush toy that laid on my bed was very warm for me, so I applied soft yellow light that resembled sunlight on it. While for the girl with blue and white dress, I used blue light so the light echoed with her dress, but also soft light as she’s an amiable and friendly figure for me.

Honestly, it’s very interesting to see them lighted in such an ‘cinematic’ light. I almost cannot recognise that these objects are the ones that accompany me everyday. I suppose this is the effect of moving image too. It defamiliarises the familiar objects, make my figures unique, make stone ‘stony’.

Week 4: A Audio postcode for Westfield


This is the first time that I played with a recording tool. It’s actually more easy to use than I expected. More importantly, the audio tool wasn’t as eye-catching as the camera, so I feel more comfortable walking around with it and recording nearby a group of people. As a result I get an abundance of sound, from people chatting to water fountain. Moreover, I enjoy mixing the sound together in editing process, making the imaginative scene in my audience’s mind more rich and diverse. It is like creating a chorus of Westfield.

Week 2: A Visual postcode for Gordon Park


This is the video that I made after a hour of filming in a public park in central London. Honestly the filming experience was very exciting for me, because passengers looked at me like a weird person carrying a huge camera. Gradually, I got accustomed to it and became more brave to film publicly.

Learned form my previous experience, I took the shots after planning and a round of imagination. Although I did not get all ideal shots, I found that most of the shots were applicable in the visual postcode. Yet when I had the tutorial with Ms Rebecca, I realised that the film clips had some potential issues, such as over exposure and camera shake. What’s more important is that Ms Rebecca reminds me that it’s not allowed to film children, which I did so I deleted the footage. That was a very startling thing for me cause I’ve never heard anything about filming kids before. Later Ms Rebecca explained to me that it’s because of some severe issues that took place before in the UK. This was a good lesson for me and I should keep in mind of cultural difference and social taboo whenever I film.


Lighting Week 5


Using a plastic orchid flower from my dorm – I played with the lED device – to illuminate the flower in different colours – to draw attention to certain aspects of it. I was struggling at first – to determine what colour I thought worked best with the flower itself, thinking that I needed something to contrast it for more effect. So instead of deciding just yet, I worked with silhouettes. For a softer effect, I used my phone flash instead to shine on the flower to create a black silhouette behind it and as I moved my phone around the flower – its more darkened areas were emphasised.
To try different colours – I then turned to the LED device – I really liked the green hue that was put on a low intensity – which in the darkness – removed the bottom of the flower – so that the head of the orchid stood on its own. It created an eery effect. I was also happy to discover that I liked the purple lighting shone at a relatively high intensity let alone held at a closer proximity also looked beautiful. By zooming in with the camera – the purple lighting was able to accentuate the plastic veins and the actual texture laced within each petal and by moving the lighting around the flower, the darker areas were also emphasised where the heart of the petals in a real flower would actually become a deeper shade of itself.

Lila the Lemon in London – Lighting Task (Week 5)

<div style=”position:relative;padding-bottom:56%;padding-top:20px;height:0;”><iframesrc=”https://mediacentral.ucl.ac.uk/playerautostart=n&videoId=9Ci0aiHE&captions=y&chapterId=0&playerJs=n”frameborder=”0″scrolling=”no”style=”position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;” allowfullscreen></iframe></div>

Lila the Lemon in London

This is the ‘coming of age’ of  Lila the Lemon. She is on a journey to self-discovery. As she rolls around London, she not only physically changes shape but emotionally as well. She finally escapes the shackles of her past by crossing that line to the outside world: London.

I am happy the way the light in the beginning and the end turned out, however, I feel like I could have used a second light to enhance the footage, as it was grainy in the darker scenes. I also feel like I should have brought a tripod to make my footage less shaky. I will be more careful next time with the framing, as there are some scenes where you can see the tripod for the LED (please note that the zoom out and the fact that you can see someone holding a light was done for comedic effect). There are also some scenes that miss some continuity. Finally, I forgot to film an establishing shot, showing the whole store that (Lila) the lemon sat in.

I thought this idea would be funny to produce. It was a spontaneous decision, so I was unable to create a storyboard in time for it (hence the choppy cuts from one shot to another) and find the right equipment.

Special Thanks:

I would like to thank Sanaa and Lila the Lemon for their cooperation in this project. Thank you Sanaa for helping Lila roll around the set and holding the LED at the right angles. Thank you Lila for agreeing to be the main role for this inspiring coming of age short film.

(I am running on 4 hours of sleep, don’t mind me.)

Editing Week 3


A scenic walk down the canal from Kings Cross to Camden Market – while editing I found shots that were originally longer and cut down to alternate with shots consisting of lots of motion created a sense of a dizzying nostalgic feel. However, I did throw in longer shots to fill in time, which I realise now is quite boring to watch.


It is worth mentioning that I recorded this assignment at 4am on a weekend. Because where I live there is a DLR, there is often the roar of the subway during the day. So I went to jubilee park at this particularly quiet moment and recorded this audio. Among them, I edited the sound of running water into the background of the entire audio, is it not interspersed with some bird calls, which is extremely quiet and peaceful.


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