Dr. Caroline Selai, Ms. Mina Uddin & Ms. Elisabeth Long During this well-attended and dynamic session, we reflected on giving and receiving feedback which is done within a relationship. Why do receivers of feedback sometimes perceive it as (i) criticalContinue reading… Reflecting on Assessment and Diversity at UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology
Category: Feeding back and feeding forward
A UCL Education Conference 2022 theme.
Roundtable Discussion: Using the student voice to transform medical student portfolios
Roundtable discussion presented by Charlotte Hammerton, Carys Phillips; Taylor Bennie, Lizzie Vacher and Alison Sturrock from UCL Medical School Abstract The UCLMS clinical portfolio, which encompasses a range of mandatory activities involving assessment, feedback and reflection, was unpopular among students.Continue reading… Roundtable Discussion: Using the student voice to transform medical student portfolios
Feedback Practices in a Masters Programme – How can we Help Our Students to Better Understand Their Feedback?
Round table discussion presented by Dr Sumanjit Gill with co presenters Karen Matthewman and Dr Caroline Selai Facilitated by Dr Martin Compton This was a well attended discussion with contributions from attendees from around the UK in addition to departmentsContinue reading… Feedback Practices in a Masters Programme – How can we Help Our Students to Better Understand Their Feedback?
Can ‘ungrading’ change the way students engage with feedback and learning?
Dr Eva Mol; Dr Martin Compton – summary of our paper presented at the UCL Education conference 6th April 2022 Introduction ‘Ungrading’ is a broad term for approaches that seek to minimise the centrality of grades in feedback and assessment.Continue reading… Can ‘ungrading’ change the way students engage with feedback and learning?
IDEAS (Inspirations for Digital Engagement Activities) to support feedback and assessment literacy
Presenters: Silvia Colaiacomo, Leo Havemann and Nidal Al Haj Sleiman, UCL Education and Student Experience Format: Case Study/Individual presentation IDEAs are theory-informed ‘recipes’ for activities designed to scaffold and support teaching in online or blended contexts, and particularly useful to those newer toContinue reading… IDEAS (Inspirations for Digital Engagement Activities) to support feedback and assessment literacy
Improving student support and engagement across years – student providing ‘advice for future students’
Author: Jennifer A. L. McGowan jennifer.a.l.mcgowan@ucl.ac.uk Abstract Two frequently mentioned difficulties in teaching – both in person and online – are getting helpful feedback from students, and student engagement. In this case study I draw on an example for aContinue reading… Improving student support and engagement across years – student providing ‘advice for future students’
A mixed-methods research study to evaluate the clinical apprenticeship model at UCL Medical School
Author: Katie E. Wardle Co-authors: Ellie Nash, Emma Kelley and Sarah Bennett Abstract During the COVID-19 pandemic, the “clinical apprenticeship” model was introduced at UCLMS to aid learning; students were encouraged to participate in daily clinical activities and staff wereContinue reading… A mixed-methods research study to evaluate the clinical apprenticeship model at UCL Medical School
Authentic assessment – a holy grail or just a fad?
If you’ve been hearing about “authentic assessments”, you’ll be aware that the concept is not that new-found. You have probably been assessed “authentically” but just never realised it! For example, if you drive you would have been tested on yourContinue reading… Authentic assessment – a holy grail or just a fad?