Around a century ago, when our great-grandparents and even our grandparents were young, women were an undervalue being since, as most of us know, they were not allowed to work, go out alone, they didn’t even have the right to vote. The only thing that they were believed to be capable of was taking care of children and doing housework, that is, they were dependent on men. But it was after the French Revolution that this changed, thanks to Olympe de Gauges, one of the first women who tried to put an end to the inequality of rights. In the end, she did not succeed but it served as an initiative for the fight under the same conditions in the society.

In the book “Herland” we can see how Charlotte creates a land inhabited only by independent women, acting in all types of roles without the need for male existence. Male chauvinism is and has been an essential theme in our society, which is also present in this book at the moment in which three friendly men get involved in a mission to investigate this land which for them is utopian because there are no men in it.

This book tries to demonstrate how women have more strength and power than they have been assigned for years. After observing the three friends on this land for several days they realize that they are not really necessary for them. With this I don´t mean that males are less than females, simply that we live in a world in which independent of our sex and liking, we all contribute something and together we are necessary for procreation. In short, life would not be possible without women or without men.

Besides to women, there are also more types of oppression towards other groups, such as homosexuals. They couldn´t live in freedom and they had to hide their orientation if they wanted to live without any problem. Homosexuality was considered a disease, which has even led many people to end their life.

After many years of struggle, women have been able to work in exactly the same jobs as men. Likewise, the LGBTI group currently has more ease than it used to have and with the support of a large number of the population. Therefore, we can consider that we live in a society in the process of development, but it can still continue to progress. Although it is true that there is less inequality, there is still a large part of the population, both male chauvinist and homophobic against which to fight. 




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