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Increasing engagement in large biomolecular science cohorts – what works? Dr Suzanne Ruddy

Dr Suzanne Ruddy

Dr Suzanne Ruddy gives a presentation on creating a community of practice to raise awareness, discuss challenges and explore strategies for enhancing engagement in large biomolecular science cohorts. Presentation slides

Interactive digital reflective practice and handover exercise for second year medical students during anatomy dissections – lessons learned. Dr Romain Perera

Dr Romain Perera

Reflective practice (RP) plays a crucial role in the professional development of medical students and adopting RP early in the curriculum is encouraged. We introduced a digital interactive RP and handover exercise for Year 2 medical students during the cadaveric dissections of the…

Virtual Reality training at the UCL School of Pharmacy – Mae Taylor

Mae Taylor

The UCL School of Pharmacy has pioneered the use of Virtual Reality (VR) in pharmacy education, offering students unparalleled immersive training experiences. Our VR curriculum includes hands-on training with digital High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) equipment and interactive simulations of GP surgeries, facilitated by…

Inclusive Assessment in Cell Biology Informed by a Student-Staff Partnership – Dr Louise Cramer

Dr Louise Cramer

Inclusive education and assessment are increasingly recognized as essential to equity in learning opportunity particularly for marginalised and under-represented student groups and is a strategic aim at UCL. Some resources are available on inclusive education with the aim of improving equity, however information…

Using Lt (Lab Tutor) in practical sessions – Dr Pam Houston

Dr Pam Houston

Lt is an online learning platform with ready-to-use content for life sciences, chemistry, nursing, and medicine – Dr Pam Houston provides an example of how the Lt platform can be used in data collection and resource management across LMS. Recording Presentation slides

Delivering an efficient and enjoyable interactive module using Microsoft OneNote’s “Class Notebook” feature – Dr Alex Agrotis

Microsoft OneNote is a free app designed for digital note-taking. All UCL members have unlimited access to its “Class Notebook” feature, which streamlines shared and private spaces for individual and collaborative group work, as well as providing feedback and task allocation tools. Using…

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