This is a timely topic which is particularly relevant given the growing prominence of protest movements such as Black Lives Matter. There are many interesting ways you can explore how public history and public heritage could better comprehend Britain’s (and London’s) entanglement with slave systems.

In this blog, I’d like to list possible avenues of research that you might find to be interesting additions to your projects. I have included resources that you can walk to in London, as well as online resources for those studying remotely.

Virtual museum tour, International Slavery Museum, National Museums Liverpool

Statue of Robert Geffrye, London

Museum of London:

‘Who are monuments for? Considering slavery legacies in London’s public statues’

London, Sugar & Slavery Exhibition

‘Mapping the legacy of slavery in London’s Docklands’

Robert Milligan statue statement

Statue of James II, Trafalgar Square, London

Legacies of Slavery and Abolition in Listed Places, Historic England

Gilt of Cain structure, City of London, London

Death of Nelson relief panel, Nelson’s Column, Trafalgar Square, London

This is certainly not an exhaustive list, but an indication of the huge range of resources available to you. I hope you find plenty of inspiration for your project.