Create a learning journal in which students can reflect in and review their learning.
It could include tutorial actctivites, target setting, aims and goals etc.
Why use it (students and staff)
- To monitor learning
- To promote and enhance reflection
- To review learning processes and trigger meta-learning processes
- To make links between learning experiences
- To set goals (short and long term)
When to use it
Throughout the course, or linked to a specific task or assessment (depending on purpose)
Digital tools that might be used
- Reflect blog
- OneNote class notebook
- MyPortfolio
- Moodle Forum
- Moodle Wiki
- Video / audio diary
Speed of set up time
Varies, but do build in lead time to liaise with learning technologists
Explain the purpose and value of the journal and provide specific (which aspect to focus on) and/or timed (e.g. week 3) reflection prompts
Other resources
- Exemplars (multimedia)