The power of digital data: Using AI to predict mental health states based on digital phenotyping

The famous Dutch philosopher Desiderius Erasmus once said, “Prevention is better than cure.” This timeless wisdom resonates with us in our daily lives. We clean our rooms to avoid big clutters. We wear sunscreen to prevent getting sunburned. And we Continue reading The power of digital data: Using AI to predict mental health states based on digital phenotyping

How well could AI get to know you?: The use of AI in the inference and prediction of mental health states.

Imagine a world where weather forecasting was never achieved… Imagine people sweating through their jumpers during unprecedented heatwaves, people shivering in beer gardens on a particularly brisk spring evening, clad only in shorts and sandals. Thousands of perms across the Continue reading How well could AI get to know you?: The use of AI in the inference and prediction of mental health states.

Improving Postoperative Opioid Prescribing Practices: Insights from Patient Experience

  Given that opioid prescriptions and dependence are on the rise in the UK, there is a growing societal concern around opioid prescriptions after surgery. Although opioids are effective analgesics and are commonly prescribed for post-operative pain, little is known Continue reading Improving Postoperative Opioid Prescribing Practices: Insights from Patient Experience