Mind the Gap: Understanding the Different Developmental Trajectories of Spoken Language in Deaf and Hearing Children

“It’s like putting together a puzzle without all the pieces”. “I try to grasp with one sense, information intended for another.” Extracts from the essay “Seeing at the Speed of Sound” by Rachel Kolb Despite adjustments in healthcare, like newborn Continue reading Mind the Gap: Understanding the Different Developmental Trajectories of Spoken Language in Deaf and Hearing Children

Coming Across as Blue and Coming up with Options for Things to Do: Is Apathy Associated with the Ability to Generate Options for Behavioural Action?

[969 words, 4-5 minute read] Do you recall ever wanting to lie around all day doing nothing? Have you ever felt so unmotivated or uninterested in life that you began questioning your life purpose?   Answered  ‘yes’ to any of Continue reading Coming Across as Blue and Coming up with Options for Things to Do: Is Apathy Associated with the Ability to Generate Options for Behavioural Action?

Neurodiversity: Should We Really Treat Mental Health Difficulties the Same Between Autistic and Non-Autistic Children?

(999 words, 5-minute read) Think about your interactions with neurodiverse friends. Do you treat them differently compared to others? Are you more sensitive to their unique needs? Well, we would expect mental health services to meet these needs, but worryingly Continue reading Neurodiversity: Should We Really Treat Mental Health Difficulties the Same Between Autistic and Non-Autistic Children?

I Don’t Believe it But I Will Follow You: When Credibility Shapes Our Choices

(989 words, 5-minute read) Have you picked a spot to dine as your parents said it’s fine? Have you tried something absurd, just on your friend’s word? Have you ever bought a product endorsed by a star? If you wonder Continue reading I Don’t Believe it But I Will Follow You: When Credibility Shapes Our Choices

Our Attention Shapes Our Reality but What Shapes Our Attention?

Our attention shapes our reality. It controls the information that we focus on, the details we notice, influencing how we understand and experience the world around us. But here is the interesting part: it works both ways! Our reality, including Continue reading Our Attention Shapes Our Reality but What Shapes Our Attention?

Inspiring equality: the impact of ethnicity on accessing psychological support for families with chronic health conditions

“There isn’t a stronger connection between people than storytelling.” – Jimmy Neil Smith. I wanted to start with a story that inspired my own research on ethnicity and mental health. Since I was a child, my grandparents shared stories of Continue reading Inspiring equality: the impact of ethnicity on accessing psychological support for families with chronic health conditions

Children and Young People with Eating Difficulties: How was their mental health during the Covid-19 pandemic?

When the Covid-19 pandemic started, its impact on mental health became a pressing concern, especially for vulnerable groups like Children and Young People (CYP). But what about the CYP battling disordered eating – a group of people who particularly struggle Continue reading Children and Young People with Eating Difficulties: How was their mental health during the Covid-19 pandemic?

Should Brand Information Be Hidden Until the End of an Advert?

(Word Count: 991 words, under 5 minutes read) Have you seen an advert which you didn’t know the brand it was promoting until the end of the advert? How did you feel about the advert?  Have you tried to guess Continue reading Should Brand Information Be Hidden Until the End of an Advert?

Would You Rather: Win an Unknown Sum of Money OR Accept £10?

(940 words, 5-minute read) Imagine you are at the grocery store with a friend, who hands you two packages of ground beef. One is labelled “75% lean beef”, and the other is labelled “25% fat beef”. Which package of beef Continue reading Would You Rather: Win an Unknown Sum of Money OR Accept £10?