Something’s cooking: Trauma-Informed Approach Implementation through Staff Trainings

Something is indeed cooking… The Trauma-Informed Approach (TIA), which emerged in the 1990s (Bloom, 2013) has gained traction over the past 20 years, with staff training being a key intervention used in efforts to implement it in the UK (Purtle, Continue reading Something’s cooking: Trauma-Informed Approach Implementation through Staff Trainings

Into the Mindfield: Treading Across Mental Health in Physical Healthcare

Ever noticed how a bad back can make even the sunniest of days feel cloudy? Ever wondered why your favourite footballer is out for longer for the same injury that someone else had? If you’ve answered yes, tread forward into Continue reading Into the Mindfield: Treading Across Mental Health in Physical Healthcare

Coming Across as Blue and Coming up with Options for Things to Do: Is Apathy Associated with the Ability to Generate Options for Behavioural Action?

[969 words, 4-5 minute read] Do you recall ever wanting to lie around all day doing nothing? Have you ever felt so unmotivated or uninterested in life that you began questioning your life purpose?   Answered  ‘yes’ to any of Continue reading Coming Across as Blue and Coming up with Options for Things to Do: Is Apathy Associated with the Ability to Generate Options for Behavioural Action?

Unraveling the Links: Body Clocks, Mood Symptoms, and How We Perceive Reward

<1000 words, 5-minutes read> Imagine your body as a finely tuned orchestra, where the circadian rhythms are the conductors, orchestrating our biological processes throughout the day and night. These rhythms help us synchronise with the 24-hour cycle of each day. Continue reading Unraveling the Links: Body Clocks, Mood Symptoms, and How We Perceive Reward

Inspiring equality: the impact of ethnicity on accessing psychological support for families with chronic health conditions

“There isn’t a stronger connection between people than storytelling.” – Jimmy Neil Smith. I wanted to start with a story that inspired my own research on ethnicity and mental health. Since I was a child, my grandparents shared stories of Continue reading Inspiring equality: the impact of ethnicity on accessing psychological support for families with chronic health conditions

‘Living in Newham impacts your mental health’: Unveiling the dual impact on mental health of residing in a dangerous borough in London

What comes to mind when you think about children’s upbringing? For some young people, words like “violence” or “fear” might sadly resonate. Recent NHS statistics reveal a troubling trend: a significant increase in mental health issues among UK adolescents. In Continue reading ‘Living in Newham impacts your mental health’: Unveiling the dual impact on mental health of residing in a dangerous borough in London