Mind the Gap: Understanding the Different Developmental Trajectories of Spoken Language in Deaf and Hearing Children

“It’s like putting together a puzzle without all the pieces”. “I try to grasp with one sense, information intended for another.” Extracts from the essay “Seeing at the Speed of Sound” by Rachel Kolb Despite adjustments in healthcare, like newborn Continue reading Mind the Gap: Understanding the Different Developmental Trajectories of Spoken Language in Deaf and Hearing Children

Breaking Stereotypes: Measuring Early Spoken Language Development in Young Deaf Children is More Accurate Than You Think

Bridging the gap by GAPS: a spoken language measure for young deaf children When it comes to identifying spoken language difficulties in young deaf children, we have been missing a crucial tool. Unlike hearing children who have a plethora of appropriate Continue reading Breaking Stereotypes: Measuring Early Spoken Language Development in Young Deaf Children is More Accurate Than You Think

What deaf people use their “auditory” brain regions for: A study of non-auditory cognition in deafness.

Summary: We show that brain regions processing sound inputs in hearing people are used for processing non-auditory inputs in deaf people. These regions of the auditory cortex are involved in the processing of “working memory” in deaf individuals, a more Continue reading What deaf people use their “auditory” brain regions for: A study of non-auditory cognition in deafness.