Something’s cooking: Trauma-Informed Approach Implementation through Staff Trainings

Something is indeed cooking… The Trauma-Informed Approach (TIA), which emerged in the 1990s (Bloom, 2013) has gained traction over the past 20 years, with staff training being a key intervention used in efforts to implement it in the UK (Purtle, Continue reading Something’s cooking: Trauma-Informed Approach Implementation through Staff Trainings

Taking the ‘Psycho’ out of Psychosis – Towards a Better Understanding of Co-occurring Hallucinations and Delusions

<999 words, 5-minute read> Unlike how psychotic disorders are depicted in the media, there is not just hearing voices and paranoia. The stories patients tell are often fundamentally different. To treat this complex disorder, we need to listen to their Continue reading Taking the ‘Psycho’ out of Psychosis – Towards a Better Understanding of Co-occurring Hallucinations and Delusions

Neurodiversity: Should We Really Treat Mental Health Difficulties the Same Between Autistic and Non-Autistic Children?

(999 words, 5-minute read) Think about your interactions with neurodiverse friends. Do you treat them differently compared to others? Are you more sensitive to their unique needs? Well, we would expect mental health services to meet these needs, but worryingly Continue reading Neurodiversity: Should We Really Treat Mental Health Difficulties the Same Between Autistic and Non-Autistic Children?

Inspiring equality: the impact of ethnicity on accessing psychological support for families with chronic health conditions

“There isn’t a stronger connection between people than storytelling.” – Jimmy Neil Smith. I wanted to start with a story that inspired my own research on ethnicity and mental health. Since I was a child, my grandparents shared stories of Continue reading Inspiring equality: the impact of ethnicity on accessing psychological support for families with chronic health conditions

‘Living in Newham impacts your mental health’: Unveiling the dual impact on mental health of residing in a dangerous borough in London

What comes to mind when you think about children’s upbringing? For some young people, words like “violence” or “fear” might sadly resonate. Recent NHS statistics reveal a troubling trend: a significant increase in mental health issues among UK adolescents. In Continue reading ‘Living in Newham impacts your mental health’: Unveiling the dual impact on mental health of residing in a dangerous borough in London

Children and Young People with Eating Difficulties: How was their mental health during the Covid-19 pandemic?

When the Covid-19 pandemic started, its impact on mental health became a pressing concern, especially for vulnerable groups like Children and Young People (CYP). But what about the CYP battling disordered eating – a group of people who particularly struggle Continue reading Children and Young People with Eating Difficulties: How was their mental health during the Covid-19 pandemic?

Physical Activity – A New Form of Treatment for Mental Health Conditions?

Exercise group with instructor.

“[Physical activity] is a real support to me whilst I am contending with depression and trying to emerge from it.” Have you ever gone on a walk and felt like all your problems have disappeared? There is some science to Continue reading Physical Activity – A New Form of Treatment for Mental Health Conditions?

Socrates and psychotherapists in artificial intelligence: evaluating state-of-the-art AIs’ ability in mastering mental health therapeutic technique

(Word count: 820, 3-minute read) Have you ever tried to ‘talk’ to ChatGPT, the latest generation of language-producing artificial intelligence? Are you seeking comfort and wondering if AIs could help you improve your mental health? Are you a therapist wondering about Continue reading Socrates and psychotherapists in artificial intelligence: evaluating state-of-the-art AIs’ ability in mastering mental health therapeutic technique

The power of digital data: Using AI to predict mental health states based on digital phenotyping

The famous Dutch philosopher Desiderius Erasmus once said, “Prevention is better than cure.” This timeless wisdom resonates with us in our daily lives. We clean our rooms to avoid big clutters. We wear sunscreen to prevent getting sunburned. And we Continue reading The power of digital data: Using AI to predict mental health states based on digital phenotyping

Creative intervention: an alternative way to help the homeless?

There is no question that homelessness is one of the UK’s biggest social problems, and with the current cost of living crisis, the number of individuals experiencing homeless is only set to rise. Therefore, now more than ever it is Continue reading Creative intervention: an alternative way to help the homeless?