Schooling & Culture Journal Launch

Schooling & Culture disrupts a culture of individualism, competition and surveillance by claiming a new collective position within, and outside of, the school context through self-representation and lived experience. This journal is an invitation to strengthen solidarity between teachers, students and cultural practitioners by exploring politicised praxes of secondary school teaching in the face of increasing conservative toxicity.

The journal was printed with an intention to move in unpredictable ways. Different people expressed a desire for a printed journal which they could strategically place on a staff-room coffee table open on a particular page. Other teachers working in panopticon-esque buildings who are denied private space wanted a printed journal which could be camouflaged amongst more commonplace literature. And crucially we recognise increased isolation experienced by teachers who are in conflict with their working conditions for whom the journal seeks to support.

Whichever scenario the journal finds itself in we intend for it to be used towards meaningful relationships with students and peers, in and against schools, and as part of a network of fraternity; be it photocopying pages for a lesson plan, or giving language to articulate complex dis/positions of dis/content. The journal is also made available online recognising the ease with which content can be shared across time and space. We are self-published under Creative Commons and welcome content being reproduced freely.

For more information about forthcoming launch events, starting on 5 May 2017: please contact Annie Davey:

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