Fighting Media Disinformation with Media Arts in Brussels

‘Fight disinformation with media literacy’ was a one-day event at the Centre for Fine Arts BOZAR in Brussels, convened by the Evens Foundation in conjunction with the Media & Learning Association and supported by the European Commission. The aim was to provide educators and practitioners from around Europe with media production activities, resources and workshops that engage with interpretive work and fake news.
Workshop speakers: Renée Hobbs on modes of contemporary propaganda and the Mind Over Media in EU project; Daniela Jaramillo-Dent, from Grupo Communicar & Media in Action ran a creative workshop on rapid fake news generation and refutation; Maria Leonida from Karpos in Greece ran a photography workshop looking at modes of interpretation; and Mikko Salo from FactBar ED spoke about extending the FaktabaariEDU fact-checking toolkit.
Also present at the event were 20 speakers from around Europe engaging in quick-fire 2.5-minute presentations focussing on approaches, projects, initiatives, and thought-pieces on current issues in media education. In her 150 seconds, Michelle Cannon promoted the agentive benefits of film-making with primary children as a concrete literacy practice on which to base further critical media learning. A clip of Michelle’s address is at around 11′:28″ in this short film of the day’s events: