The team
Staff: Eleni Makrinou, Janice Kiugu
Students: Loris Marcel, Ronnie Alexander-Passe, Emma Pryke, Keerat Singh, Oliver Hood
Structural and Molecular Biology
What happened?
Our project aims to offer an insight into the development of academic modules as shaped by the current pedagogical trends, while taking into account the students’ perspective. The objective is to improve and enhance the learning experience, considering current developments, emerging needs and job orientations, while giving at the same time students the opportunity to be heard and share the responsibility of shaping the future of the academic sector. Therefore, using as an exemplar a new year 3 module, on life in extreme environmental habitats that we plan to launch for the academic year 2023_24 we created a survey questionnaire that was disseminated in our Y2, Y3 and Y4 SMB students. A similar survey will be disseminated to the SMB teaching staff so that we can compare and reflect upon the views of both parties; our students and their lecturers. We wish to draw upon the expertise of teaching staff and the students’ perspective and create report based on a recommendation model of learning that become available at faculty level.
Read the report: Changemakers report_Makrinou et al
What advice or encouragement would you give to someone thinking of doing a ChangeMakers project?
Changemakers is a wonderful way to enhance partnership between students and staff. Make sure the participants have a vision and feel positive about bringing a change.