[Last modified: March, 25 2019 01:44 PM]
Interactive Map
Below is a Google Map showing the real-world, physical locations of the objects in this exhibition.
Drag with your cursor to move around and/or use the scroll to zoom in and out to explore the map!
UCL Art Museum
Bisected Alligator Head
Grant Museum of Zoology
Animal tissue preserved in Kaiserling fluid and fixed in an acrylic case
Pregnant Uterus
UCL Pathology Museum
Human tissue preserved in Kaiserling fluid and fixed in an acrylic case
Virgula Magazine
UCL Special Collection
Egyptian Torque
UCL Institute of Archaeology
In creating Attention!, we as curators were challenged to consider our ethical responsibilities. It is not unusual to encounter a conflict of interest between what is best for the exhibition from a curatorial perspective and what is ethical. We made sure that each decision was guided by the same set of principles:
- Non-maleficence
- Respect for diversity of beliefs
- Respect for the value of science
- Solidarity
- Beneficence
Our decision on how to best exhibit the Unborn Fetus followed much group discussion. As consent was not an option, our curatorial decisions have been guided by the 2004 Human Tissue Act and have made sure to respect the privacy and dignity of the subject.
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Terms of Release
All of the curators of this virtual exhibition have given their consent for this work to be published.