Data Scientist skills
- A Learning Path To Becoming a Data Scientist
- R powered web applications with Shiny (a tutorial and cheat sheet with 40 example apps)
- Data Professor: Free Data Science Courses
- Modelling Count Data in A Multilevel Framework
- How to create Chord Diagram using R | Data Science
- Add image & graph popups as tooltips
- R: animation map
- Using ggfx for good
- A ggplot2 Tutorial for Beautiful Plotting in R
- Introduction to social network analysis with R
- Animating Your Data Visualizations Like a Boss Using R
- Data Visualization with R
- A Detailed Guide to ggplot colors
- Hybrid hierarchical k-means clustering
- England and Wales commute data
- Some of the best data visualisation content encountered during December 2019
- 5 ways to measure running time of R code
- An animation of the public transport network
- Spatial data science for sustainable development
- spatial optimization
- Learn English with Gill (engVid)
- BBC Learning English
- Learn English with Emma (engVid)
- Learn English with Rebecca (engVid)
- A Multilevel Analysis of the Variations in Domestic Property Prices: Southern England, 1980–87
- Multi-Level Models for Geographical Research
- Specifying and Estimating Multi-Level Models for Geographical Research
- Why geography matters
- Recent Empirical Work on the Determinants of Relative House Prices
- Standards in housing design: A review of the main changes since the Parker Morris report (1961)
Training course
- Statistics for Researchers Workshop, UCL
- Multilevel Models: Practical Applications,
- Multilevel Modelling, RSS
- An introduction to spatio-temporal modelling of small-area data in R
- Using UK data portals to find and evaluate data for social science research
- Introduction to Spatial Interaction Modelling, NCRM
- Interactive Visualisation in R, RSS
- Big Data: tools and statistical methods, NCRM
- Computational Methods for Social Data Science: Exploring Society through Visualization and Modelling
- Spatial Econometrics
Interesting tweet
(1) PhD research
- Planning and Housing Landscape Review – Executive Summary
- Market Commentary – 2020 Review
- Interest rates and Bank Rate
- The space standard in Overcrowded housing(England)
- OECD-modified scale
- What is multilevel modelling? by Professor Kelvyn Jones
- 527 swimming pools built in London
- Bringing together housing, land and planning geospatial datasets
- Housing Affordability Calculator
- Rail fares: Commuters ‘pay fifth of salary’ on season ticket
- Applying Spatial Analysis to Real Estate Decision-Making
- Together at last – UK’s planning and housing statistics now in one place
- How far is too far? The distance workers commute to cities – mapped
- London’s most affordable commuter towns
- Our guide to house price growth vs commute cost
- Average London House Price vs London Commuters by Workplace
- Why should I commute to work and move out of London?
- Big house price savings if you’re prepared to commute
- House prices in commuter towns around London substantially cheaper
- What benefits are there for London commuters moving to Surrey?
- London’s commuter towns More than just house prices and travel times
- Long-distance London commuters push up local house prices
- Housing crisis: Where are the most new homes being built?
- City Definition
- Admin-based statistics for property floor space, feasibility research: England and Wales
- Help Shape Our Future:The 2021 Census of Population and Housing
- About the size of a London flat
- Address matching: Machine learning innovations in address matching: A practical comparison of word2vec and CRFs
- London Commuter Belt (East)/M11 Sub-Region Strategic Housing Market Assessment 2008
- The 10 cheapest commuter towns within an hour from central London
- Britain’s new towns
- Derbyshire becomes a house price hotspot – and it’s all because of London
- The English New Towns since 1946
- the 31 hotspots where house prices will surge now
- Oxford vs Cambridge: House price rises in UK’s least affordable cities
(2) R
- ggraph – exploring flows
- Create geographic flow maps : FlowMap.Blue
- Global Migrant Stock Chord Diagrams
- Travel flows
- COVID_Cases_By_Age
- FiveThirtyEight
- Difference between subset and filter from dplyr
- 5 Ways to Subset a Data Frame in R
- officer R package
- Tidyexplain: Tidy Animated Verbs
- Beginners guide to Highchart Visual in R
- htmlwidgets for R
- Interactive plots with ggiraph
- xAxis | highcharts API Reference
- Single-Page Reference | R | Plotly
- layout | R | Plotly
- RStudio Cheatsheets
(3) Other
- Bivariate Choropleth Maps: A How-to Guide
- Affordable housing monitoring
- Where are the largest cities in Britain?
- BBC Briefing on housing
- Local housing supply by postcode
- Where are all the UK’s new homes being built?
- Bus/tram/metro stops in GB
- The 50 Richest Women in 2021
- Journey times to assess equity of access to services in England.
- A chord diagram of travel to work flows in Inner London
- The interrelationships between all scientific disciplines
- Vaccinations sites in England
- Median Council Tax bands in England and Wales
- Milton Keynes growth mapped by the year the postcode was introduced 1980-2020
- INSPIRE Index Polygons in the West Bridgford area
- Motorways and A roads of GB
- New open building and population density datasets
- Nighttime lights
- Potential land constraints
- pavement widths
- Green spaces in residential gardens
- Care homes locations
- Retail Catchment Flows from Geolytix
- Open data of UK Supermarket Retail Points (Geolytix)
- Two thirds of UK homes ‘fail on energy efficiency targets’
- Where are the UK’s youngest and oldest city populations?
- Raw number of airbnb listings in each area
- Commute data in England and Wales (Alasdair Rae)
- A new analysis of the extent of short-term and holiday letting services (including but not limited to Airbnb) in London
- Over one in five people in the UK live in poverty
On-line books
- Urban Informatics
- Mastering Software Development in R
- R Markdown: The Definitive Guide
- Big Book of R
- Systems approaches to social, economic and geographic research
- Spatial Modelling for Data Scientists
- Transport Access Manual: A Guide for Measuring Connection between People and Places
- Essentials of Geographic Information Systems
- Interactive web-based data visualization with R, plotly, and shiny
- Housing development: the economics of small sites – the effect of project size on the cost of housing construction, BCIS
- Delivering more homes and better places
- Predicting House Prices with Machine Learning
- Using R for Spatial Data Analysis
- House price calculator: Where can I afford to rent or buy?
- Modelling the distribution of mortgage debt
- Planning for the future
- Resources for PhD Students
- Glitch: Digital literacy
- What is a Flowchart
- 10 Amazing Windows Shortcuts
- Using Big Data to Solve Economic and Social Problems
- Supporting housing delivery and public service infrastructure
- Everyone should be able to access a safe and affordable home. Increasing housing supply is essential to creating a fairer, more affordable housing market and boosting productivity across the country.