[Last modified: March, 25 2019 02:31 PM]

Welcome to our virtual exhibition on the relationship between objects, comfort and control!

The objects we carry alter the way we perceive a world that can be both inexplicable and overwhelming. Whether by a direct physical relationship, like the turning of a key in a lock, or by putting us in relation to a higher power or set of ideas, such as by lighting a candle, objects mediate our actions and our thoughts. The practicalities of life, but also our emotional and mental state, are often dependent on the objects around us. A sense of comfort or control over the world can be obtained, or lost, in the course of our relationships with an object.

This exhibition will explore the different ways in which humans have used professional, spiritual and everyday objects as a sense of security, whether it be looking to religion, your wardrobe or medicine.

By exploring this collection, we hope you are fascinated by some of the rare artefacts and get some insight into the daily lives and routines of previous civilisations. Regarding the everyday objects, we hope they spark a change in the way you view and interact with these objects and relate this to the objects in all aspects of your life.

As you make your way through this exhibition, we want you to engage and question the material being presented. Think about the objects in your life and reflect on the root of their value and role in your life whether it be spiritual, medical or practical! What role does our belief system play in all of this?

Due to the content and issues being explored here, we advise parental guidance in our exhibition.

Aside from this, we encourage anyone, interested in history, object-based learning or culture to come and take part in this virtual journey! This exhibition is accessible to all levels and requires no prior knowledge to engage with the material.

Press ‘Begin Exhibition’ to go to our first object. We recommend you move through the pages in order, but you can also click on any object’s image to move to their page.


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