Greetings, all! A reminder to all teaching in Term 2 that the Course Rollover process, introduced this year, applies to all Term 2 modules in the same way it did Term 1. To refresh the memory: every taught module will have an individual annual instance in Moodle. There is NO snapshot of last year’s modules: they must remain as-delivered. Do not overwrite 2021/22 modules, only update/change things in the newly-created 2022/23 modules.
Each A&H department has a slightly different setup for module rollover: please check with your Teaching Administrator if you are unsure as to how/when the rollover and mapping activation takes place. If you teach in SELCS, you are tasked with your own module rollover and activating mapping: it is essential you carry this out prior to the start of teaching, as students will otherwise not have access to your course in Moodle.
For central guidance on the Course Rollover, please read the applicable info below:
1) Rolling over a module taught in 2021/22
2) Rolling over a module last taught prior to 2020/21
3) Rolling over a T1 module to be taught in T2
4) If you have a module where the code has changed for 2022/23, you must ensure that you are working in a Moodle page created under this code. Please check for a page with the new code in Moodle, as it may have been automatically created. If you then need to import content from a module with a different code, this can be done via the Import function in Moodle, but do contact me for any support with that. If you cannot find a course with the correct new code in Moodle, and are certain that this is the code you will be teaching under in T2, please follow the rollover process for the old module, remove the suggested alignment/delivery for the existing course code and use the search box to search for the new course code. This is the only situation in which you should change any prepopulated course code or course title.
Ensuring students are mapped to your module:
This process is the same as T1: I have written a quick guide to the process here: mapping students to modules.
Finally, ensure that at least the first two weeks of course content have been populated, and that anything you want enrolled students to see is visible; anything you wish to hide from them is hidden. When your students have been enrolled, and the course status has been changed from Hide to Show (Module page > Administration block > Course Visibility > Hide/Show).
As ever, any issues, grab me on Teams, or email 😀