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A&H Module Lead & Teaching Admin #3: Digital Accessibility

Please find below the links, presentation, resources and discussion from the 11th October 2023 session on Digital Accessibility.

UCL Accessibility Policy

UCL Accessibility Hub – UCL policy, advice, resources and guidance to support both staff and students.

UCL Accessibility Fundamentals – basic guidance to improve everyday accessibility when creating resources.

Ben Watson presents on Digital Accessibility

Link to Ben Watson’s PowerPoint presentation slides.

Ben Watson and Abbi Shaw in conversation: Use of Reading List, accommodating students with SoRA, generative and assistive AI discussion.

UCL Reading List – supported by the Library.

Colour Contrast Checker – a really useful resource for checking accessibility of text on backgrounds.

The video Ben mentions on using GenAI to support non-academic tasks.

Forthcoming Digital Skills Development sessions – including multimedia, podcasting, and more, and, most relevant here, creating accessible Word documents.

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A&H Module Lead & Teaching Admin Session #2: AI and A&H

Please find the link to the central AI Policy and Assessment Guidance presentation, as well as four presentations from A&H academics on their CoCreator research, conducted this summer, on various aspects of AI and education.

Key takeaway – module leads MUST inform students in their assessment briefs of the category of AI use permissible for that assessment.

Link to Academic Manual: Section 9.2.5a – GenAI and assessment briefs.

The UCL Generative AI Hub – “bringing together all the latest information, resources and guidance on using Artificial Intelligence in education”.

Marieke Guy and Ashley Doolan on UCL Policy on AI and Assessment:

Slides from Marieke and Ashley’s presentation.

FutureLearn course on Generative AI and Education

AI CoCreator Presentations: A&H Academics research in partnership with students.

Simon Rowberry (Publishing): Using AI for book cover generation.

Erkin Sagiev (Economics, SSEES): AI for Student Support.

Antony Makrinos (Greek & Latin) & Imogen Potts: Using AI to generate essay titles; does AI help students with argumentative essays, referencing or language learning?

Peter Braga (SSEES): What is generative AI? How do Large Language Models (LLMs) actually work? How can academics protect assignments from (mis)use of GenAI?

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A&H Faculty Research – Academic Online Experience in 2021/22

Following on from our work to capture a sense of the Student Online Experience, Jesper Hansen (A&H Arena Fellow) and I then went on to study A&H Academic Online Experience in 2021/22. Over 1/4 of teaching staff responded to our Mentimeter survey, and went on to do an extensive thematic analysis of the responses. This analysis led us to some compelling themes and conclusions, and this piece of research has heavily informed my work as Faculty Learning Technology Lead thereafter.

The themes identified:

– Perception of Online Teaching
– Online Teaching as a Threat
– Online Teaching as Enhancement

More than anything, this survey served to demonstrate, as with the student experience survey, the breadth and variety of experience across the Faculty. The only consistent finding was, indeed, inconsistency.

To read our full report, visit the following link: Academics’ Experiences of Online Teaching in Arts & Humanities.