
This is a list of publications related to the projects and collaborations with communities presented on this website. We have also included other publications from the authors that have worked on these projects, which can be a useful source for communities and planners or scholars working with communities. When possible, we have made these publications open access.

Sendra, P., & Fitzpatrick, D. (2020). Community-Led Regeneration: A Toolkit for Residents and Planners. London: UCL Press.

Sendra, P., & Sennett, R. (2020). Designing Disorder: Experiments and Disruptions in the City. London: Verso.

Sendra, P., & Fitzpatrick, D. (2020). Time to be an activist: recent successes in housing activism in London. In S. Bunce, N. Livingstone, S. Moore, A. Walks (Eds.), Critical dialogues of urban governance, development and activism: London & Toronto. London: UCL Press.

Sendra, P. (2018). Assemblages for community-led social housing regeneration: Activism, Big Society and localism. City, 22 (5-6), 738-762.  

Sendra, P. (2018). Civic Design UCL Summer School. In C. Ciancio, M. Reig Alberola (Eds.), Civic Design (pp. 298-299). Valencia: Civic Innovation School.

Sendra, P. (2018). Community-led social housing regeneration: from government-led programmes to community initiatives. In J. Clark, N. Wise (Eds.), Urban Renewal, Community and Participation: Theory, Policy and Practice (pp. 71-87). Springer.

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