Bit by Bit

Thinking, sharing and highlighting digital education


Digital Capabilities

Digital Literacies skills are essential to the effective utilisation of the web.  It is no surprise that employers and even our peers value colleagues who have gained these skills or are at least working on them. It is not about being technical, but more about being curious, interested and willing to ‘give it a go’.  These are the attributes that the most digitally literate people I know have.  You don’t become digitally literate, you will always have to try something new or create a workaround most of the time, but it is vital that you are able to participate in the online world.

JISC has developed a Digital Capabilities framework which grew out of the digital literacies work and so is based on research.  It is on this framework that the Digital Impact Leaders projects have been based. Update: I have been introduced to the DigiComp framework via my fellow FLTL in The Bartlett, Sam Ahern who shared the information and I liked the structure and levels.  As I update and expand student opportunities, I think that this makes for a better model and I will be updating it accordingly.

Using the tried and tested model of student partnership working we have applied the Students as Champions model to the development of digital literacies skills for our students, as they will develop not only their own skills but those of staff and their peers.


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