Moving Assessment online

17th March 2022 10.30-12 Live event (UCL Staff)

Details and booking

The move to digital assessment, which has been slowly taking hold across the HE sector for some time, underwent a rapid and wholesale acceleration due to the pandemic.
•    What have you learned in the last two years about your students, your peers and yourselves and how has this impacted on your assessment and feedback practice?
•    How well do you think your assessment practices help prepare graduates to flourish in a changing and uncertain world ?
•    What opportunities and/or challenges have you encountered in the move to digital assessment?

We invite you to take some time out to take stock of where things are, to share experience with colleagues and engage in some creative problem solving. Here are some ideas to start with (feel free to bring your own!). We’ll ask you to take a vote on your top topics for discussion:
•    Making assessment authentic and relevant
•    Impact on the awarding gap
•    Marking workload (assessing large cohorts)
•    Collusion and contract cheating
•    ungrading (or giving grades)
•    ensuring formative assessment is effective
•    assessment literacy
•    PSRBs and regulatory requirements