Weronika Benning with Georgina Potts (contributions from Patrick Molloy, UCL Careers)

Asynchronous Submission

Connection with employers is a key element of our students’ employability education. While huge swathes of summer 2020 internships were cancelled, employers themselves underwent a rapid shift to remote working, recruitment, selection, onboarding and induction – amidst slashed budgets and limited resources. The Careers team quickly learned to adapt to digital event delivery, continuing to connect students and employers, whilst keeping abreast of the graduate labour market perspective and the situation facing recruiters. We have presented seven career fairs since the start of the pandemic entirely online, making use of our existing Careers platform, myUCLCareers, in novel and innovative ways – and persuading our employer contacts to take a leap of faith with us. We found numerous benefits in delivering the fairs in this way – ranging from greater inclusivity, respect to the practicalities of our students’ and employers’ circumstances, and delivery of return on investment in the form of rich, bespoke data.

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