Bringing anti-racism into learning and instructional design frameworks

We have reviewed a number of design frameworks and have identified where and how you could introduce discussions around anti-racism into the learning design process.

Often as part of our roles we will be facilitating learning, or instructional, design workshops. These are a great opportunity to sow the seeds for thinking about anti-racism and decolonising. However, it can be difficult to know where in the process to start the sowing.

Prompt questions or key thinking points are given below for each of the relevant sections of the frameworks reviewed.

Carpe Diem and The CAIeRO Process

1. Write a blueprint

What are the key values for your approach to the module or programme? What epistymologies are present?

What are the key characteristics of the learning community and the learning environment you want to create?

This is an opportunity to introduce concepts and frameworks relating to inclusive curricula.

3. Build your prototype and 4. Check reality

Who is represented in your learning objects and resources? How are they portrayed?

Whose voices are represented? What assumptions are made by the technologies used?

If your institution has one or using one of the inclusive curricula checklists in Further resources, encourage colleagues to review the prototypes using these guidelines.

5. Review and adjust

Identify where additional review or consideration may be required.

Digital Learning Design Toolkit

Planning your module

What are the key values for your approach to the module or programme? What epistymologies are present?

What are the key characteristics of the learning community and the learning environment you want to create?

This is an opportunity to introduce concepts and frameworks relating to inclusive curricula.

Structuring your module

When considering the types of technologie to use and specific platforms, review the toolkit prompt tools.

Concluding your module

Encourage reflection of course design against frameworks relating to inclusive curricula.

How have students experienced the module? Were they comfortable using embedded technologies? What values did they think were embedded?

ABC Learning Design

ABC predominantly focuses on the how of module or programme delivery. What type of learning will take place, when and in what mode.

Tweet your module

In addition to identifying the essence of the module or course. Ask colleagues to consider the narrative of the course. What stories does the learning tell, and about whom?


When reviewing the storyboard, consider the range of learning types being used. Is there a dominant type? Could this be adjusted to incorporate a broader range of learning types?

Going forward

If your institution has one or using one of the inclusive curricula checklists, encourage colleagues to reflect on their planned learning resources and reading list.

If supporting colleagues in the content creation or selection of tools for use within the course, refer to the toolkit prompts.


Analysis phase

If your institution has one or using one of the inclusive curricula checklists, introduce this as part of the initial requirements.

Design phase

What media and resources are to be used?  Who is represented?

Development and Implementation phases

If supporting colleagues in the content creation or selection of tools for use within the course, refer to the toolkit prompts.

Evaluation phase

Encourage reflection of course design against frameworks relating to inclusive curricula.

How have students experienced the module? Were they comfortable using embedded technologies? What values did they think were embedded?

Dick and Carey

Develop Instructional Strategy

If your institution has one or using one of the inclusive curricula checklists, introduce this as part of the initial requirements.

Develop and Select Instructional Materials

Who is represented in your learning objects and resources? How are they portrayed?

Whose voices are represented? What assumptions are made by the technologies used?

If your institution has one or using one of the inclusive curricula checklists in Further resources, encourage colleagues to review the prototypes using these guidelines.

Design and Conduct Formative Evaluation of Instruction

Encourage reflection of course design against frameworks relating to inclusive curricula.

How have students experienced the module? Were they comfortable using embedded technologies? What values did they think were embedded?

Learning Technologists’ Anti-Racism Tool by Samantha Ahern, Alistair Cooper, Coco Nijhoff is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0