Anti-racism content development reflection tool

The reflection tool was developed in the consultation with the ALT and broader Learning Technology community and has incorporated comments and feedback. This is an evolving tool and you are encouraged to provide feedback about the tool and how you have used it.

For resources to support the completion of the prompt tool see: Further resources

Using the reflection tool

The reflection tool can be viewed and downloaded here: Download the Reflection Tool (.docx file)

Incorporated in the tool is a basic glossary of terms and further resources.

Anticipated scenarios for use

We anticipate that the tool could be used in the following scenarios. For each scenario we have also incorporated some prompts.

You’ve been given some content and asked to turn it into a final form (web/VLE page, eLearning package, video)

  • Is there a degree to which you can ‘audit’ the content and feed back (e.g. using Uni of Liverpool tool)

You/your team is looking to showcase tools to staff

  • Can you prompt staff to think about the potential biases of tools and different access to technology in their context (eg…)

You’re part of a project team at the start of a piece of work

You are developing an area of the VLE (course page, instituting a new template etc)

  • Think about representation – who is visible and not visible and how are different groups portrayed
  • Content

You are creating training material for staff (about any subject, for example using a tool or creating a type of content)

  • Editing or producing


Learning Technologists’ Anti-Racism Tool by Samantha Ahern, Alistair Cooper, Coco Nijhoff is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0