The team
Konstantina Tetorou, Nandaki Keshavan, Ellie Chilcott, Ashley Boyle, Juan Antinao, Riccardo Privolizzi, Tania Castillo.
Institute for Women’s Health
What happened?
Our project aims to create a forum through which early career researchers of the Institute for Women’s Health (Masters, PhDs, PostDocs) could be trained in different lab techniques and provide structured, targeted feedback on ongoing research projects. We will organise two technical masterclasses, one poster session, one writing retreat session and one wellbeing session to take place in a 3-month period (April-June 2022). The technical masterclasses will include training in lab techniques that are commonly used across the Institute, such as ELISA and western blot. Also, peer to peer feedback will be given on general presentation skills.

What advice or encouragement would you give to someone thinking of doing a ChangeMakers project?
This is a great opportunity for engaging with the community and sharing the skillset within our institute. We advise seeking the opinion of the target attendees to determine what they think would be most useful to cover in events before applying. No idea is too small for this application as long as it is well planned and justified.