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Moodle Feedback Tracker – demo and resources

Video of A&H Feedback Tracker demo with Eliot Hoving, UCL DigiEd Senior Learning Technologist.

UCL Feedback Tracker – Guidance

Link to A&H Faculty Research Survey on Feedback and Assessment:

For clarity, some FAQs:

Feedback Tracker automatically pulls in Moodle Assignment, Turnitin, Moodle Quiz and other items where they have a Grade added.

Feedback Tracker mirrors students’ individual SoRA, EC and DAPs deadlines where they have been manually updated in the assignment.

The default date for feedback release is 20 working days after the deadline. This excludes college closure days.

Future views are coming, including administrative reporting views (see video for a draft demo).

Feedback is welcome; the tracker is available now to all staff and students but continues to be iterated.

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Moodle Assignment Support Resources

Resources for using Moodle Assignment for assessment. If in doubt at any point, please contact me for advice: there are settings which cannot be changed after setup, so it is better it’s done correctly the first time around!

Full UCL guidance on using Moodle Assignment:

Creating a Moodle Assignment:

PDF with instructions:Creating a Moodle Assignment – step-by-step guidance.

Creating a Moodle Assignment – Video: Naomi Weir runs through the process and key considerations.

Marking Moodle Assignment:

Full UCL information around marking Moodle Assignment:

A video overview of the Marking process:

Student Submission support and resources:

UCL written guidance and support for students:

Video walkthrough link: student submissions to Moodle Assignment. Please use this link if you wish to share this video with students.

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Start of Term checks: Moodle 2024/25

Five vital checks for Arts & Humanities Module Leads at the start of term:

1. Check your Moodle page is correctly mapped, AND that the mapping is active. More info:

2. Check that all the dates are correct in your course. You can use Date Manager (located under Reports > Date Manager on every Moodle page) to support this, but don’t forget section headings, on-page text, and any module or programme handbooks. Students find it extremely useful if you use actual dates as well as “Week 1” or “Reading Week”.

3. Check that your module page is visible to students. If it is not, it will say “Hidden from students” at at the top of the page. To change, go to Settings > Course Visibility and change from Hide to Show; scroll to the bottom and select Save and Display.

4. All assessments, if already present in the module, should be located in a prominent Assessment section, should have their correct dates, a clear assessment brief, and a statement about the assessment’s AI category. Information on the categories is available here:

5. All resources / readings should be located in a Reading List (which can be structured either for the whole module, or week-by-week. Use should be made of the ability to tag readings as Core / Optional wherever possible. For support with Reading List, please contact your Liaison Librarian:

For any issues or queries, please do get in touch:

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CMD: How to Link to your Mentimeter in Moodle

To share your presentation in Moodle, you’ll need the direct URL from Mentimeter. You’ll find this via the “Share” button in the top right corner of your presentation. Copy the voting link. In Moodle, go to Add an Activity or Resource, and select URL. The name you give the URL will be the text the student needs to click on.

When linking, ensure that your Mentimeter has been changed to Audience Pace, from the default, Presenter Pace. Presenter Pace: useful in-room when students are responding “live”. Audience Pace: students move through the questions in their own time as they answer them (useful in-room or asynchronously).

To change pace, from your Mentimeter, go to Settings, and select the pace you want. Give the page a second to automatically save (visible just above).

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Continuous Module Dialogue: Session #3 for A&H Module Leads and Teaching Admin

Continuous Module Dialogue (CMD) is a pilot for 2022/23, requiring each module to survey its students 3-4 times across the life of the module (i.e. whether across 1 term, or 2).

NOTE: Please ensure that all text in your Moodle courses referencing Continuous Module Dialogue and student feedback uses the term “Continuous Module Dialogue”, and that all references to SEQs, MEQs and other previous methods of module-level feedback are removed. 


  1. A&H Deputy Faculty Tutor Ashley Doolan explains the CMD policy at institutional level, discusses how this might look in individual modules, and outlines the requirements around the reporting process. [13 min]

2. A&H Arena Fellow Jesper Hansen demonstrates the use of Mentimeter for Continuous Module Dialogue [26 min]

Links and Resources

UCL Continuous Module Dialogue Policy, Guidance and Resources

Enrol on UCL centrally-provided Mentimeter training, 11th October 2022


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In need of fresh IDEAs?

Last year I and colleagues from Digital Education and Arena collaborated on this resource which looks at ideas for digital engagement – a broad variety of activities, scaffolds, academic and assessment literacy exercises and suchlike.

If you’re curious for strategies for group work, outlines of the workload involved in trying new tools and activities in Moodle, or simply wanted to remind yourself how many different strategies and tools you already use in your teaching, follow the link below…

Inspirations for Digital Engagement Activities

An academic reflection on the use of IDEAs for PGTAs/early career academics by Leo Havemann and Silvia Colaiacomo (Arena).


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Continuous Module Dialogue

DigiEd are running a central Mentimeter for Continuous Module Dialogue session on 11th October, 10-11am. Details and enrolment link:

In this practical workshop you will learn the basics of setting up interactive activities and using the templates on Mentimeter. You will also find out how to embed Mentimeter on a website or a Moodle course and manage student interaction.

Read more and enrol on this course

Further to this central session, I will be hosting an A&H-centred Zoom for module leads and teaching admin discussing our Faculty approach to CMD on Wednesday 28th October 2022 at 2pm. This session will include a Mentimeter demo, room to discuss any queries or concerns, and an update on my, and my colleagues’, continuing Faculty experience research for Term One.

Details of this Faculty session are in the email sent from the Dean’s office on Monday 13th September (8.43am), and reminders, including the Zoom link, will be sent to all A&H staff in due course.