Two weeks into my new role

Started my new role at UCL.

What an interesting place. Not often you get to be at the very beginning of a school! Lots of academics to teach and already off to a good start.

Hopefully lots of interesting case studies to develop.

  • One on interactive video
  • One on linked in learning
  • One on gather town (idea to develop)
  • One on developing HEA applications
  • Turning PPT’s into Rise packages.

Lots more to unfold!



More publising

Another publication! This time on how apps are changing the shape of ophthalmology.

I have also decided to move to the Global Business School of Health at UCL. A brand new school with many exciting experiences ahead.

I will also be developing some eye health care for people working across Africa and created some e-learning resources for a fem tech opportunity, let’s see what happens. These projects always sound enticing but they do not always work out.

Finishing up all my projects at MEH, hope to have DR and GVO and GPTED all sorted. Some translation work done too.

Maybe the next time I check in I’ll be at my new role… oh which is learning technologist. A great name for a role, it allows for so much flexibility in activity.





My first article has been published!

It finally dawned  on me, I really should get a professional photo.


My first article was published recently.

Kinda cool.


Two more publications to come. Next a letter in an Ophth journal and then a paper in another Ophth journal.

Lots of changes coming soon have been offered two jobs! Good time to be a learning technologist. I believe I am too young to pigeon hole myself as a specialist and should develop more skills before bedding down. Will probably post shortly after my decision is concretised. This decision has kept me up at night for the last two months and I think friends and family are SICK of me.


MA, FHEA (hehe) and potentially CMALT before the year is out.


Dear my many thousands of readers!

Remember when I was rejected for SFHEA? I was then inspired to apply for FHEA…

Well I am now an accredited fellow of higher education

Few interesting job opportunities coming up, see which way down the river I flow.

MA, FHEA (hehe)

Publishing soon?!?

I got some funding for a DR project! Looking forward to building this out with all that I have learnt from the previous pt care work.

I presented the virtual observerships (VO) to MSc students. Initial feedback is positive. Think this has some legs to go internationally.

I’ve sent off my first academic piece of literature to be published, wahoo! Only 545 left to go until I catch up to my mother.

Thats enough for now 🙂

Managing modules

We’ve come to the end of the management of the two modules, Telmed and Digi Health for the PG Cert.

This would not of been possible without three all star doctors, they know who they are!

These two modules have seen a massive pedagogical shift from the previous two and I am happy to say my involvement from a managerial position has assisted with this.

Now it wouldn’t be the NHS if you weren’t doing at least one other persons job. I also was the instructional designer for most of the material. By the grace of god may it be the last time that this happens.

Now for it to unfold for the students.

A nearly forgot about my blog!

So I nearly forgot about this blog. Not for lack of exciting things happening but I’ve been on holidays (yay).


  • Sent off my CMALT application
  • Need to fix up FHEA application (pretty close)
  • PGCert 99% complete (see what I have to do)
  • Working on digitising MR PIS.
  • Word on the grape vine I may be promoted and working in a different department.  They’ve agreed to give me a month off in Aus.

New director started, seems lovely – will be interested in which direction she steers it all.

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