The Arts in Education: Policy, Practice, Futures

DARE triple logoA day seminar on the current state of  Arts in Education, at the BFI Southbank, June 21st. The day included the third Harold Rosen lecture, given by Jonothan Neelands, University of Warwick, entitled “Dramatic Futures: why the Arts and Humanities should reclaim the curriculum”. The day featured innovative approaches to arts education in drama, media, art, music and museums and galleries, and addressed the shortcomings in current education policy. Contributors also included Dr Julian Sefton-Green, LSE; Emily Pringle, Tate, Mark Reid, BFI, Andrew Burn, IOE, Charles Bradley and Rebecca Boyle Suh, Artis;  John Potter (IOE), Theo Bryer (IOE), and Michelle Cannon (University of Bournemouth).

The day also included a viewing of this year’s Lambeth Schools’ Southbanks residency, presenting performances in music, dance and animation inspired by Lotte Reiniger’s Hansel and Gretel.

An audio recording of Jonothan Neelands’ Harold rosen lecture will appear here shortly.

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