Harold Rosen Book
Harold Rosen: Writings on life, language and learning, 1958-2008, published by UCL IOE Press, is a collection of writings by the influential educator and professor at the Institute of Education. Edited by John Richmond, the book includes over 50 pieces of writing grouped under three headings: the politics of language and English teaching; the role of language in learning; and story. Harold’s own stories and poems are interspersed among the educational writings.
Harold Rosen was a leader of thought in the world of English teaching in the second half of the twentieth century. He and his colleagues forged and sustained a new understanding of the purpose and possibilities of the subject English within the school curriculum. Beyond the constituency of people teaching English in secondary schools, Harold’s teachings, writings and activities illuminated many more people’s understanding of the relationship between language and learning in any context, whatever the age of the learner and the content of the learning.
This book was launched by John Richmond (himself an influential figure in English teaching, practice and research) as a Harold Rosen memorial lecture hosted by DARE. John, who now owns the copyright, has generously agree to make the pdf of the book freely available for researchers, students and teachers. It can be downloaded from this site.