Evens prize-giving in Sarajevo

Still from Zalab’s body of work

On 21 September 2017, DARE’s John Potter will be giving a key note at a gala dinner in Sarajevo at the Media Meets Literacy conference. John chaired the jury for this year’s Evens Prize for Media Education 2017 which seeks out innovative approaches to media literacy. The dinner incorporates the Evens prize-giving ceremony, and John will be presenting the overall winner – Zalab [from Rome, Italy] – with €20,000 for their entry: Project Otherness. Project Otherness is a media literacy project using participatory video, aimed at the second-generation migrant community in Italy. 

The Association for Communication and Media Culture [from Zagreb, Croatia] won a Special Jury Prize for its project Djeca medija (Children of Media) and will be awarded €5,000. This was a holistic initiative providing basic media literacy training and skills development to a large number of young people in Croatia. The international jury praised both projects for their exciting approach to media literacy as something connected to lived experience, participation and production.

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