Video games and disability research

Dead Space Screen

At present, Diane Carr is a Co-Investigator on a project funded by an AHRC development grant titled Alternative Futures: Disability and Community. This involves working with a fantastic, inter-disciplinary team of artists, activists and academics, and engaging with critical disability studies literature, in order to explore the ins and outs of community, affiliation, marginalization and disenfranchisement.

In 2013-14 Diane was holder of an AHRC funded Fellowship entitled ‘Digital Games: Representations of disability’, which brought together digital game studies and critical disability studies perspectives to study representations of ability and disability in digital games, with a particular focus on games featuring cyborgs and zombies. There is more information at the project page on the research council website, and there are updates, notes and bibliographies at Diane’s blog

You can also read a recently published article here:
Carr, D (2014) Ability, Disability and Dead Space. Game Studies. Vol 14 Issue 2 December 2014

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