Hello world!

This is the class blog for Group 1 of Anthropological Methods (ANTHMETH)

These blogs will act as you online field notes and journal following the development of your pilot research project, and your exploration of the different topics covered each week.

The writing tasks assigned for each week should be posted here. As such, this blog forms the assessment for this module.

You are welcome to adapt, customise and modify the blogs as you see fit, and to write additional posts, reflections and materials if you wish to.

Each student has their own individual blog which follows the format: reflect.ucl.ac.uk/anthmethgrp[x]-24-25-[firstname]-[lastname]

(content in the square brackets should be replaced with group number, and name)

You will also have received an email inviting you to login to these blogs.

If you have any questions or issues please contact the module convenor Toby (toby.locke@ucl.ac.uk) or your tutorial group leader Gabriella (gabriella.santini.21@ucl.ac.uk).

Please see the Reflect Blogging Resource for more information, policies, and how to guides:

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