New features of the AssessmentUCL/ Wiseflow platform (October 2023 release)

New features of the AssessmentUCL/ Wiseflow platform (October 2023 release)

Friday 27th October 2023 sees another major release for AssessmentUCL, otherwise known as Wiseflow. View the official October release notes and video in Sycamore. Features relevant to users at UCL are listed below:

Manager Improvements

1. FLOWlock without the Lockdown Browser

Previously, creating a FLOWlock assessment and disabling the lockdown browser resulted in something that was functionally a FLOWassign assessment with the option of a password. Going forward, Managers will have the flexibility to disable the lockdown browser on FLOWlock assessments while retaining the use of the in-app editor. This will allow Participants to type their responses in the browser and make full use of the tools in the editor while still being able to access the rest of their device and any external resources during the assessment.

A screenshot of a FLOWlock exam with the lockdown browser disabled.

The option to disable the lockdown browser can be found under the flow’s participation settings and can be adjusted for the entire cohort or for specific individuals.

A screenshot of the participation settings in Wiseflow

2. Add Custom Flags to the Participation Monitor

New functionality in the participation monitor allows Managers and Invigilators to create a filtered overview of participants by adding one or several conditions which will automatically flag users that meet the requirements.

A screenshot of the flagging button in the participation monitor

Flags can be created based on the participant’s inactivity, presence (if the attendance register is used), the number of comments Managers/ Invigilators have made in the participation monitor, and/or by the number of unique IP addresses associated with a participant’s activity.

3. Password Distinction in the Participation Monitor

A minor enhancement will now show clearly whether a participant has entered the correct/ incorrect participation or invigilation password in the event log. This will help Managers to better understand and interpret data related to password entries.

All Users

1. New user profile page

A screenshot of the new profile page in Wiseflow

A more user friendly profile page has trimmed four tabs down to two: one for personal information and account settings, and the other for system settings and downloading the latest version of the lockdown browser. Speaking of which…

New Version of MacOS Lockdown Browser

It was identified that MacOS 14.0 Sonoma, which was released on 26 September, is incompatible with the existing MacOS lockdown browser version in WISEflow when used on devices equipped with M1/M2 processors. The MacOS lockdown browser is now being upgraded to version, which supports the new MacOS 14.0 Sonoma version.
The new MacOS lockdown browser version ( will be required by 27 October 2023. 
For further information on the lockdown browser, please see our Lockdown Browser guidance on the wiki.