What is Peer Assessment? Peer assessment is the process whereby students evaluate and provide constructive feedback to their peers, this can be on an actual piece of work or on the level of contribution, professional behavior and skills demonstrated duringContinue reading… Peer Assessment
Revolutionising History Assessment using Reflect (WordPress)
Reflect is a blogging platform provided for use by students and staff at UCL. It is UCL’s branding of the WordPress platforms: CampusPress and EduBlogs, and is what this blog, the Digital Assessment Team blog is written on. Reflect facilitates various educational purposes such asContinue reading… Revolutionising History Assessment using Reflect (WordPress)
New features of the AssessmentUCL/ Wiseflow platform (February 2024 release)
The latest release for AssessmentUCL (aka Wiseflow) went live on Friday 2nd February 2024. View the official February release notes and video in Sycamore. Features relevant to users at UCL are listed below: Manager Improvements Extended Retention Time for DataContinue reading… New features of the AssessmentUCL/ Wiseflow platform (February 2024 release)
LearnHack 2024 – Mini session on digitally enhanced feedback
This mini pre-recorded session introduced students to different ways feedback can be accessed and better utilised and ways staff could leverage feedback to engage students with their feedback. It is important that staff and students have a shared understanding ofContinue reading… LearnHack 2024 – Mini session on digitally enhanced feedback
Contemporary Issues in Higher Education: Effective feedback and authentic assessment
On the 18 January I attended the University of East London Learning and Teaching Symposium on ‘Contemporary issues in Higher Education’. University of East London (UEL) are a ‘careers first’ University, and have 40,000 students from over 160 different countries,Continue reading… Contemporary Issues in Higher Education: Effective feedback and authentic assessment
Exploring Innovation and Insights at Bett 2024
Unfortunately I only managed a fleeting visit to day 1 of this year’s Bett conference held at the ExCeL London. As the largest education technology exhibition in the world, Bett brings together educators (from school, to FE and HE) andContinue reading… Exploring Innovation and Insights at Bett 2024
The Power of Video-Based Assessment at UCL
Video-Based Assessments leverage the dynamic capabilities of video recordings to evaluate students’ knowledge, skills, and abilities. This can take many forms: from standard presentations and recorded field trips to more creative reflections and demonstrations of digital skills. They offer anContinue reading… The Power of Video-Based Assessment at UCL
Away she goes!
The Digital Assessment Team have 6-monthly away days to reflect on past activities and long forward to the future. You can see reports from the July 2023 online event and our January 2023 day with the Central Assessment Team. EarlierContinue reading… Away she goes!
Recognition at the Inaugural MAPS Faculty Awards Ceremony
The Digital Assessment Team were part of the Institute for Risk and Disaster Reduction (IRDR) team noted for excellence at the MAPS Faculty Awards ceremony just before Christmas. The ceremony was hosted by the faculty Dean, Professor Ivan Parkin, andContinue reading… Recognition at the Inaugural MAPS Faculty Awards Ceremony
Jisc Annual review 2022/23
UCL gets a mention in the Jisc annual review for our work on AI. Take a look at pages 14 and 15 for an overview of our AI work and quotes from Mary McHarg, (was activities and engagement officer, Students’Continue reading… Jisc Annual review 2022/23