Jisc Annual review 2022/23

Jisc Annual review 2022/23
UCL gets a mention in the Jisc annual review for our work on AI. Take a look at pages 14 and 15 for an overview of our AI work and quotes from Mary McHarg, (was activities and engagement officer, Students’ Union UCL, now  Union Affairs Officer) and myself.
“Assessment needs to be able to take into account the technology that students are going to have access to in the wider world and the skills they will need for their careers.”
Mary McHarg, activities and engagement officer, Students’ Union UCL

How UCL is redesigning assessment for the AI age
At the start of the year, when the initial furore over the impact of generative AI on assessment integrity in universities exploded, one source was referred to over and over again. UCL’s guidance for students on how to use tools such as ChatGPT effectively and ethically stood out as a beacon of calm amid the panic. Since then, UCL has remained in the vanguard of universities exploring how best to address the opportunities and challenges of generative AI in assessment. For Marieke Guy, head of digital assessment at UCL, tackling the topic head on is crucial.

“For us at UCL, Jisc has always been a great sounding board for initiatives as well as a useful barometer of what the rest of the sector is doing. As one of the institutions that’s led the way in AI and assessment, you can feel like you’re sticking your neck out. But Jisc has helped us have confidence in our actions.
Marieke Guy, Head of Digital Assessment”