Future ePortfolios: striking a balance between promoting engagement and discouraging cheating

Authors: Dr Charlotte Hammerton, Dr Carys Phillips, Dr Alison Sturrock, Mr Taylor Bennie and Dr Gil Myers In 2021 UCL medical school launched a new clinical electronic portfolio (e-portfolio), designed in partnership with students. Consistent with student feedback, this portfolioContinue reading… Future ePortfolios: striking a balance between promoting engagement and discouraging cheating

Inclusive learning: creating interactive asynchronous resources and discussing their pedagogical benefits.

Marcus Pedersen MA FHEA CMALT – Learning Technologist GBSH Multimodal learning is apparent in all areas of education from reception to graduate studies. Having a diversity of ways you share content often benefits the student, this is a key partContinue reading… Inclusive learning: creating interactive asynchronous resources and discussing their pedagogical benefits.

Is AI impact on assessment an opportunity to redevelop inclusive oral examinations in medical and biological sciences?

Abstract Whether AI will have a positive or negative impact on higher education learning needs to be evaluated in the years to come. AI will certainly have an impact on how we assess student learning both for course work andContinue reading… Is AI impact on assessment an opportunity to redevelop inclusive oral examinations in medical and biological sciences?

Inclusive communication in paediatrics: a co-creation teaching project

Authors: Natalie Bishop1, Hamish Robertson2, Naomi Jones2, Aamina Mahmood1, Lema Delara1, Yasmin Baki2, Camilla Sen2 1UCL Medical School, UCL  2 University College London Hospital, NHS Introduction Effective communication within paediatrics is essential to delivering safe, compassionate and professional care. Medical studentsContinue reading… Inclusive communication in paediatrics: a co-creation teaching project

Transitioning an in-person statistics class to online: ensuring experiential learning and skill development

Traditionally, statistics has been taught in a class-room environment, usually in computer laboratories. The standard method has included a mix of instructional lectures and practical computer sessions. During the COVID pandemic attempts were made to adapt this to the onlineContinue reading… Transitioning an in-person statistics class to online: ensuring experiential learning and skill development

Approaching exams and building resilience

Exams play a key role in students’ professional and academic development. Such assessment methods have multiple benefits, which might extend to: Knowledge absorption techniques Time management skills Improved knowledge retention and retrieval Despite such benefits, the preparation phase leading toContinue reading… Approaching exams and building resilience

Ensuring inclusivity in the online environment: a case study of the Master’s in Public Health

Online students’ perceptions of their class climate can have a dramatic impact on their learning. Teaching which is supportive and inclusive has been demonstrated to be more effective than that which is directive and marginalizing (Dewsbury et al, 2019). However,Continue reading… Ensuring inclusivity in the online environment: a case study of the Master’s in Public Health

MSc restructuring: towards innovation and students’ employability

Presenters: Alejandra Perez, Elena Panagiotopoulou, Ruth Roberts, Mariana Pereira, Maria-Christina Vourda (Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families) Format: Short presentation The restructure of the MSc programme of Early Child Development and Clinical Applications was conceived and led byContinue reading… MSc restructuring: towards innovation and students’ employability

What does sustainability education practice look like at UCL East?

By Elena Dimova, Anne Preston and Rehan Shah UCL’s campus on Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park offers exciting new degrees and the location, space and shared vision needed to tackle the biggest challenges facing the planet. Education for sustainable development isContinue reading… What does sustainability education practice look like at UCL East?