Developing (language) learning opportunities for precarious migrant workers at HE institutions

Based on a research project that investigated a grassroots programme offering English language classes for precarious migrant workers (mainly cleaners) at the IOE, this talk discusses the challenges and opportunities of such initiatives in the context of wider dynamics ofContinue reading… Developing (language) learning opportunities for precarious migrant workers at HE institutions

Overseas Postgraduate Education: Motivations and Outcomes (OPEMO)

Exploring the Perceptions of International Postgraduate Pharmacists and Physiotherapists. Introduction Universities have a unique and critical role in helping to address the challenge of climate change. The environmental impact of international travel is well known. As London’s Global University, 53%Continue reading… Overseas Postgraduate Education: Motivations and Outcomes (OPEMO)

The Role of Personal Tutors in Medical Schools

Background The demanding nature of medical school training is being increasingly acknowledged (Cottrell et al.,1994). Medical students often have large volumes of content to learn and have pressures arising from clinical placements. This intense academic environment means that students oftenContinue reading… The Role of Personal Tutors in Medical Schools

Inclusive learning: creating interactive asynchronous resources and discussing their pedagogical benefits.

Marcus Pedersen MA FHEA CMALT – Learning Technologist GBSH Multimodal learning is apparent in all areas of education from reception to graduate studies. Having a diversity of ways you share content often benefits the student, this is a key partContinue reading… Inclusive learning: creating interactive asynchronous resources and discussing their pedagogical benefits.

Is AI impact on assessment an opportunity to redevelop inclusive oral examinations in medical and biological sciences?

Abstract Whether AI will have a positive or negative impact on higher education learning needs to be evaluated in the years to come. AI will certainly have an impact on how we assess student learning both for course work andContinue reading… Is AI impact on assessment an opportunity to redevelop inclusive oral examinations in medical and biological sciences?

Let’s go outside: introducing a community-based research network to increase experiential learning opportunities for master’s students

Thanks for dropping by my blog as part of the 2023 UCL Education Conference! I am Anne Laybourne and I run the Community Research Initiative, a project with UCL’s Volunteering Service in the Students’ Union UCL. I have pasted theContinue reading… Let’s go outside: introducing a community-based research network to increase experiential learning opportunities for master’s students

Open Access Textbooks – how to get the most from them in your teaching

What are Open Access textbooks? Open Access (OA) textbooks are open educational resources or instructional resources created and shared or published in ways that allow more people to access them. OA textbooks offer physical books available at a very low costContinue reading… Open Access Textbooks – how to get the most from them in your teaching

Developing an effective and equitable proofreading policy for UCL student work

Abstract Writing almost always involves people (and now perhaps AI chatbots) other than the author. In contexts outside education, this is in plain sight, with editors, proofreaders, translators, colleagues’ opinions and co-authored work a norm. However, because student writing isContinue reading… Developing an effective and equitable proofreading policy for UCL student work

Inclusive communication in paediatrics: a co-creation teaching project

Authors: Natalie Bishop1, Hamish Robertson2, Naomi Jones2, Aamina Mahmood1, Lema Delara1, Yasmin Baki2, Camilla Sen2 1UCL Medical School, UCL  2 University College London Hospital, NHS Introduction Effective communication within paediatrics is essential to delivering safe, compassionate and professional care. Medical studentsContinue reading… Inclusive communication in paediatrics: a co-creation teaching project